Take India, which has tariff laws that make it much easier to import computer components than finished computers, which pressures manufacturers to produce in their country. 以印度为例,印度关税法规使进口计算机组件的成本远远低于进口计算机整机的费用,这迫使制造商不得不在印度国内进行生产。
Once the preferences are set, you can export them to a file, then import these preferences to another user computer. 设置首选项之后,可以把它们导出到文件中,然后把这些首选项导入另一台用户计算机。
The import web wizard helps you create a new frontpage web from existing files on a computer or from an existing web site. 导入站点向导帮助您从计算机上现有的文件或已有的站点创建新的frontpage站点。
To import a file containing custom privacy settings, click Import. To import a file, it must be located on your computer. 要导入包含自定义隐私设置的文件,请单击导入。要导入的文件必须在计算机上。
In the name box, type a name for the video file that you will create, import, and then save to your computer. 在“名称”框中,为要创建、导入然后保存到计算机的视频文件键入名称。
To import computer names from a text file ( one computer name per line), click Import. 要从文本文件导入计算机名(每行一个计算机名),单击导入。
The key and certificate from the import file already exist on this computer. Do you want to overwrite them? 来自导入文件的密钥和证书已在这台计算机上。要将它们覆盖吗?
Import files from a source directory on your computer or network 从您的计算机上或网络上的源目录中导入文件
Peripheral: Computer import or output device which is not part of the main computer unit. For example, a printer. 外围设备:不属电脑主机部分的输入或输出装置。例如一部印字机。
To import a file, it must be located on your computer. 要导入的文件必须在计算机上。
China Airlines air pass with a first-class air cargo import and export of the contractor, the company has the most advanced computer management system that can timely feedback logistics information. 华航通空运具有一流水平承办空运进出口,公司具备最先进的计算机管理系统,可以及时反馈物流信息。
Changes of new environment will bring new challenge of finance management. This paper states that it is necessary to perfect finance management system, cultivate management professional and import computer accountant. 新环境的变化将给财务管理工作带来新的挑战,本文阐明健全财务管理制度,培养财务管理专业人才,并使电脑会计走进企业大势所趋、势在必行。
This paper introduces how to convert the controller's floppy of an import device to the floppy which is supported by PC computer and its realization of programming, thus increase the use-rate of the device and reduce the period of experiment. 介绍如何将一引进设备的控制机软盘转换为PC机所支持的软盘及其编程实现,以提高设备利用率和缩短实验周期。
The Polygon Area Fill is one of the import operators of the Computer Graphics and Image. 多边形域填充是图形图像处理中最基本的操作之一。
Protocol for net is import method of Computer infirmation. This paper talks about two kinds protocol of TCP/ IP family is TCP and TFTP. Administer to transmit customizing messages is known and predominate. 网络协议是计算机信息互通的重要方法,本文分别介绍的FTP和TFTP两种网络协议是TCP/IP协议族的成员,了解并掌握它们有助于特定文件的转发。
Face detecting is one of the import techniques used in automatic processing by computer which is about the human face information contained in the digital images. The target is to find out whether there are human faces in digital images. 人脸检测技术是利用计算机对数字图像中蕴含的人脸信息进行自动处理的一项重要内容,其目的是从图像中检查是否存在人脸并确定人脸的位置。
The low voltage equipments are an import parts in the systems that are relative nearly with modernization of work and life, such as communication system, control system, computer system and alarm system etc, so that what it operates safely and steady would be very important. 弱电设备主要是与工作和生活的现代化密切相关的通讯系统、控制系统、计算机系统、报警系统中的重要部分,它的安全稳定运行至关重要。
Import intelligent audit is a computer audit mode specifically for the CPA audit of the financial statements audit. 导入式智能审计模式是专门针对注册会计师财务报表审计的一种计算机审计模式。
The problem of Novel View Synthesis is an import problem in the combined field of computer graphics and computer vision. 新视角合成问题是计算机视觉及计算机图形学相结合的领域中的一个重要问题。
With the development of technology, the application of CAOS ( Computer Assisted Orthopedic Surgery) is more and more extensive recently. Developing the new generation of digital orthopedic surgery equipment which import computer technology and robotics into orthopedic, has become the universal consensus of human society. 近年来随着技术的进步,计算机辅助骨科手术的应用越来越广泛,将计算机、机器人技术引入骨科领域,开发新一代的数字化骨科手术医疗装备,已经成为人们的普遍共识和目标。